First Do No Harm

The document below was compiled in January 2022 by a retired NHS doctor to help UK residents use Ivermectin based early treatment for Covid19. It would not have been necessary if the use of Ivermectin had not been suppressed by political and commercial interests. Sadly many people could have been saved serious illness and death if this drug and other repurposed medicines had been allowed and promoted as good practice by the authorities. In the UK many restrictions have been lifted recently and whilst we accept that many of these did not work, the Omicron variant is currently rife so early treatment which works on all strains is needed more than ever.

Sources used for this compilation have been the FLCCC and the World Council for Health. The information has been adapted for ease of understanding and availability. If your doctor won’t prescribe Ivermectin, you will have to buy it from an international pharmacy at some expense.

Brain fog is a symptom of Covid19, so this information has been made as simple as possible for ease of use when you feel ill. There is much more detail if you prefer on the protocols at the FLCCC and World Council for Health.